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== Brief Top-10 Apps ==
== Brief Top-10 Apps ==
Augmented Reality Head-up Display Fullface Mask or ARHUDFM
AI Applications in the Defense Industry are moving upstanding. Project Maven, announced in 2017 according to various sources, is being tested in combat use in military conflicts in Ukraine and Israel.

In short, it's an extensible hardware platform and multi-product SaaS (super-app) for tactical tasks across all domains and civilian emergency services. Key features:
A wearable mobile platform with a high-performance computing module within the Soldier-as-Sensor concept is expected to complement the Battlefield Management System ecosystem. At least a few defense agencies periodically publish innovation requests for these and related research and technology areas in the prototype stage.

* Built-in neural networks and language model
Today's highly mobile battlefield threats and higher demands on the cognitive capabilities of operators are driving the need to act simultaneously on multiple fronts. Everyone is required to have accurate Tactical Situational Awareness, Friend-or-Foe Identification, BLOS Communications, Sensors, Signal Intelligence and be an element for sharing this information in peer-to-peer networks. One of the first creators of such a mobile platform is Furtherium, which announced a new round of funding today.
* Multi-cameras system with different sensors and optics. SWIR/LWIR and Full Synthetic Night vision
* Microphone array system with different directional patterns
* Voice, gesture, and joystick control with buttons
* High-performance processors and independent controllers for sensors
* Multiple partitions for security and low user visibility

Founded in 2021 in Germany, Furtherium is developing an integrated product ARHUDFM - Hardware modules, SaaS and Healthcare modules. Several detection and recognition functions cover visual information in the visible and infrared spectrum, sound and radio frequency waves over a very wide range, passive radar signatures and an EOD scanner for explosive detection.

Today we will show some functionality only in the focus of AI-powered Situational Awareness. The development is based on research, publications, and innovation requests for:
The core of the technology is not only pre-trained Machine Learning models, but also neural network generative AI models that are trained together with each user. For this purpose, advanced CPU and NPU technologies are used in each device.

* Marine Corps and Army rifle units for tactical operations, training in real and synthetic environments, and training recruits
"You could say this is the next step in using generative AI in mobile platforms, focused not only on defense applications, with huge dual-use potential," Basil Boluk, Furtherium's CEO and CTO, told (TechCrunch). "Fine-tuning a local model on a user's device still looks unfamiliar right now, but that's the future."
* Armored units and throwing artillery
* Engineering units, tactical medicine, and combat logistics
* Flight Deck services and maintenance personnel of Navy ships
* Operators of unmanned aerial vehicles, sea and ground robots
* Snipers and Special Operations Forces

In addition to the key goals of detection and recognition, other basic functions are Omnichannel Messenger, Media Capture and Exchange, Ballistic Fire Assistant and Spotter, Multi-Domain Operations, RC Universal Controller for drones and robots. You don't have to look into the future to understand the trends, just open YouTube and see for yourself the training programs at the U.S. Marine Corps and Army.

Basic interface principle. Anything that is not needed at the moment should not be displayed. The user chooses the options to fill the view independently. In most cases, synthetic visual images cover no more than 10-35% of the field of view. The user never loses touch with the surrounding reality and always retains peripheral vision. The primary method is native voice control through an AI assistant. Additional methods such as gesture control and one-handed button joystick control are sometimes also useful. The mask is the core of the platform and its brain, which includes additionally integratable external sensors and devices for various functions and tasks. The functionality is capable of meeting the current and future needs of different categories of armed forces, including the "Soldier as Sensor" concept.
In its new video on its YouTube channel, Furtherium demonstrates the capabilities of its mobile platform, controlled primarily by a voice assistant that adapts to each user.

"It seems natural and logical now, but we didn't come to this immediately, it took several years of research into behavioral capabilities, cognitive constraints, tactical documentation and the capabilities of different electronic component architectures," continued Basil Boluk. "The technical requirements of the military are very different from civilian applications. This applies not only to Hardware, but also to Software, including how generative AI models should be used, what criteria they are required to meet."

The main menu has two levels of items and filter counters that show the total number of notifications for the mission period and those requiring user response. The quick menu shows applications in the background and allows you to quickly open the necessary ones in the window. The status bar is always shown and allows you to manage all important parameters of the device's operation. The widget menu displays key indicators of important attention areas: vital signs, ammo stock, tactical statistics, device status, mission tracking, weather forecast, dangerous environment, and more. A rearview camera provides additional safety and situational awareness at all times. The notification window is very functional despite its small size. The electronic compass and angle gauge window help you navigate with high precision. It's also integrated with the navigation grid and allows you to quickly find the focus on the desired object. On the sides are auxiliary windows for active applications. Up to 10 application windows can be located in the center, left, and right. They can be enlarged vertically, horizontally, 2x, and can be moved sideways.
Many features must be considered when designing for military applications: Night Vision and Augmented Reality without outward illumination, protection against ionizing radiation, main and backup power system, battery life, active cooling, shock wave and fragments exposure, encryption and hopping frequencies for data exchange, reduced traffic while maintaining data quality.

It would be wrong to think about the protection of the device and not provide for the protection of the user. For this purpose, several options are created simultaneously for hearing protection and protection against concussion, eye and face protection, respiratory protection, built-in drinking system, automatic tourniquets to stop acute bleeding. Sensors in the user's arms, legs, back, and chest allow health monitoring during exercises, training, and tactical missions.

The Identification Friend-or-Foe module's navigation grid is the most important part of the functionality that allows you to have detailed theater situational awareness. On the left side, objects, routes, and references for objects in the air are displayed, as well as threats to the user from these objects. The right side displays information about objects on the surface of land and water. Allows quick access to detailed information collected by satellites, AWACS, drones, and user sensors. Integrated with other device applications. Includes Friend-or-Foe Identification, which allows you to orient yourself in the environment quickly. Has a separate display of objects by type and easy zoom control. Allows you to use georeferencing. Shows historical data of movement routes and probable direction. Has filters for units and missions. Has an integration with compass, maps, route tracker, messenger, media player, fire assistant, tasks, and other apps. Saved custom views help you quickly switch between them. Has a built-in neural network for data processing. Insignificant data exchange flow.
The market for this technology is incredibly large. Furtherium SAM estimates exceed $31B and include markets in over 32 NATO countries and its allies. Amid the Research, Development, Test & Evaluation budget of the U.S. DoD alone of $148B this looks promising. Military innovation budgets are on the rise, that's another trend today.

According to Furtherium, the project involves integration with products from several companies such as Palantir, Anduril, Teledyne FLIR, Shield AI, Epirus, Elbit Systems, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and Thales Group. Combining non-competing systems creates unique synergies.

Omnichannel Messenger allows you to unify all user communications, significantly reduce the duration of communication sessions and the flow of data exchange, and use logging and monitoring capabilities of received messages. All outgoing voice messages are transcribed to text and transmitted in 256-bit encrypted form. All received messages are voiced by the voice assistant and can be read. Message filters allow you to show only important, favorite, unviewed, and all messages. Smart filters for the period, chats, and users, automatic topic creation, and smart search by topic and content. All messages are grouped into reply chains. Importance markings and sending reply requests help in the flow of communications. Intelligent guest chat mode allows you to communicate with other departments and domains efficiently and easily. Unique ability to view the message tree from anywhere to understand who, to whom, what, and what is being replied to. The ability to control who reads a message and when. The ability to write, read, reply, and forward to multiple chat rooms at the same time. Types of quick attachments to each message include exact locations of friendly and enemy forces, images, short videos, streams, application window screenshots, and files. Outgoing messages can have a mandatory reply request. Has a built-in neural network for data processing. Insignificant data exchange traffic with the highest possible communication quality.
The terms and participants of the round have not been announced yet. Investors are expected to include companies with expertise in the Defense and Security area.
The universal RC controller allows you to control up to four different types of drones simultaneously by voice or joystick and buttons with the help of an AI assistant. The user has a first-person view of the environment where the drone flies and may capture video or still images. Same for robots and unmanned vehicles. There is an autopilot and manual control mode. It's possible to automatically send and receive control from another user. Several automatic presets for the camera and manual control. Built-in neural network processes streaming data to detect and recognize objects. Integrated with other applications. Utilizes narrowly directed radio digital beamforming at hopping frequencies for streaming video, images, and for control. The built-in program generator allows the drone to perform the task without operator connection and to mask takeoff and landing points. In conditions of intensive GNSS signal suppression, in addition to the inertial system, a system of ground beacons, including other users, with narrowly directed beams of emitted waves on hopping frequencies can be used.
The Fire Assistant allows the user to detect, recognize, capture, and distribute targets within a team without crossfire and ammunition overruns. Designed to effectively fire for different types of small arms, mortar, and artillery fire, including remote control of robotic turret fire. Dynamically calculates and displays ballistic curve point and muzzle line. Allows for automatic and manual adjustments to the reticle. Captures a hit or miss and makes adjustments for the next shot. Uses combined near and far infrared ranges in day, twilight, and night time. Synthetic vision mode is used for clear display. Allows tracer ammunition not to be used. Effective for moving objects and low-flying aerial targets. Low-cost integration with most types of weapons in use. Integrated with other applications.
The Instant Messaging System allows you to instantly warn the user of danger or send a short command during a tactical task. Integrated with Fire Assistant, Navigation Grid, Gunfire Locator, Drone Detection, Radar Warning, Passive Radar. Avoids shooting at civilians, friendly fire, and crossfire while aiming. Allows you to quickly see the source of the threat when firing toward the user, even when using a silencer. Helps to quickly detect a drone and destroy it at low altitude. When exposed to enemy radar, allows you to quickly change position before impact.
The Multimedia app gives the user options to trigger video, stream, and static image capture in different modes. For videos, these include 5-second videos, short videos, long videos, and videos that are automatically captured by the AI when triggers occur. For photos, there are manual shots and AI-assisted automatic shots. The app also allows you to view other users' media content. Any user can request live video or footage of another user, screenshots of their windows, and view media content related to a location or other event. Low traffic is ensured by 6 and 10 frames per second, as well as reduced resolution and progressive file compression. Convenient smart search and voice control help you find what you need quickly. Dynamic grouping of media content according to user demand.
The Map and Navigation app allows you to use navigation, route tracking, plan a point-to-point and location-based mission, and analyze mission completion. We want to offer a user experience that allows for more frequent use of pre-built solutions for routes and alternate routes according to the mission, updated intelligence, and the best experience of the given route. The user can access descriptions and designations of waypoints, distances, alternate routes to bypass from AI, time intervals, threats, objects like Friend-Foe ID, resources, users in the vicinity, related topics and chats, traction of all route events, importance marks and adding to favorites. The application allows you to quickly find and view quadrants, points according to a specific mission and task points for evacuation and rendezvous points, and combat logistics sectors. This approach saves the user time and attention, while AI analyzes changes and dynamically adapts the route to the user's needs. The app uses mostly voice mode, filter and search capabilities, and hints in the notification window.
The Software Defined Radio Scanning application allows for continuous scanning of radio frequencies in the range of 2 MHz to 8 GHz, self-determining the modulation and wave type, thus identifying the signal and its identity. The user has the ability to not only identify but also localize the source of the radio signal using Radio Direction Finding on demand. AI helps the user to perform all the identification and localization tasks to navigate the radio space without expending effort or requiring deep competence in radio communications. Computer Vision and Computer Audition help the user to gather all available information about radio signals at his location, and, provided the signal is unencrypted or the encryption level is low, to listen to a frequency or view (maybe listen to) a transcript of the conversations with translation into the user's language. The user can share information with other users in chat and in a topic between chats, view session timestamps, and set a tracker to monitor all on-air updates of a given program, and other similar sessions of a given source on other frequencies. The application creates excellent situational awareness capabilities across a wide range of radio frequencies when others are using military and civilian radio equipment: radios, modems, repeaters, phones, probes, beacons, jammers, drones, robots, and other radio sources.
We revealed the top 10 apps for tactical situational awareness. Compass, Intelligent Notifications and Hints, IFF and Navigation Grid, Omnichannel Messenger, Universal Controller for Drones and Robots, Fire Assistant and Night Vision, Instant Messaging, Cameras and Multimedia, Maps and Navigation, RF Scanning and Source Locating. In the next versions of the prototype interface, we will show the capabilities of other applications, like Tasks and Auto-Tasks, Multi-Domain Operations, Mission Planning and Analysing, EOD Scanner, Vitals Body Sensors System, Passive Radar, Wiki, Virtual Mentor, and other. We are open to collaborations.

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<youtube width="720" height="480">kIUt2jbYHMs</youtube>

Revision as of 10:01, 31 July 2024

Brief Top-10 Apps

AI Applications in the Defense Industry are moving upstanding. Project Maven, announced in 2017 according to various sources, is being tested in combat use in military conflicts in Ukraine and Israel.

A wearable mobile platform with a high-performance computing module within the Soldier-as-Sensor concept is expected to complement the Battlefield Management System ecosystem. At least a few defense agencies periodically publish innovation requests for these and related research and technology areas in the prototype stage.

Today's highly mobile battlefield threats and higher demands on the cognitive capabilities of operators are driving the need to act simultaneously on multiple fronts. Everyone is required to have accurate Tactical Situational Awareness, Friend-or-Foe Identification, BLOS Communications, Sensors, Signal Intelligence and be an element for sharing this information in peer-to-peer networks. One of the first creators of such a mobile platform is Furtherium, which announced a new round of funding today.

Founded in 2021 in Germany, Furtherium is developing an integrated product ARHUDFM - Hardware modules, SaaS and Healthcare modules. Several detection and recognition functions cover visual information in the visible and infrared spectrum, sound and radio frequency waves over a very wide range, passive radar signatures and an EOD scanner for explosive detection.

The core of the technology is not only pre-trained Machine Learning models, but also neural network generative AI models that are trained together with each user. For this purpose, advanced CPU and NPU technologies are used in each device.

"You could say this is the next step in using generative AI in mobile platforms, focused not only on defense applications, with huge dual-use potential," Basil Boluk, Furtherium's CEO and CTO, told (TechCrunch). "Fine-tuning a local model on a user's device still looks unfamiliar right now, but that's the future."

In addition to the key goals of detection and recognition, other basic functions are Omnichannel Messenger, Media Capture and Exchange, Ballistic Fire Assistant and Spotter, Multi-Domain Operations, RC Universal Controller for drones and robots. You don't have to look into the future to understand the trends, just open YouTube and see for yourself the training programs at the U.S. Marine Corps and Army.

In its new video on its YouTube channel, Furtherium demonstrates the capabilities of its mobile platform, controlled primarily by a voice assistant that adapts to each user.

"It seems natural and logical now, but we didn't come to this immediately, it took several years of research into behavioral capabilities, cognitive constraints, tactical documentation and the capabilities of different electronic component architectures," continued Basil Boluk. "The technical requirements of the military are very different from civilian applications. This applies not only to Hardware, but also to Software, including how generative AI models should be used, what criteria they are required to meet."

Many features must be considered when designing for military applications: Night Vision and Augmented Reality without outward illumination, protection against ionizing radiation, main and backup power system, battery life, active cooling, shock wave and fragments exposure, encryption and hopping frequencies for data exchange, reduced traffic while maintaining data quality.

It would be wrong to think about the protection of the device and not provide for the protection of the user. For this purpose, several options are created simultaneously for hearing protection and protection against concussion, eye and face protection, respiratory protection, built-in drinking system, automatic tourniquets to stop acute bleeding. Sensors in the user's arms, legs, back, and chest allow health monitoring during exercises, training, and tactical missions.

The market for this technology is incredibly large. Furtherium SAM estimates exceed $31B and include markets in over 32 NATO countries and its allies. Amid the Research, Development, Test & Evaluation budget of the U.S. DoD alone of $148B this looks promising. Military innovation budgets are on the rise, that's another trend today.

According to Furtherium, the project involves integration with products from several companies such as Palantir, Anduril, Teledyne FLIR, Shield AI, Epirus, Elbit Systems, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and Thales Group. Combining non-competing systems creates unique synergies.

The terms and participants of the round have not been announced yet. Investors are expected to include companies with expertise in the Defense and Security area.