
 redirect Further information: Public:ARHUDFM_Manifesto, Public:Applications, Public:ARHUDFM Features Summary, Public:Graphical User Interface

If you too have a logical question about how much pain the military is in, please read the short overview below. There you will find the conclusions we have drawn over several years of diligent research (based on hundreds of publications of innovative DoD requests, conference proceedings, and opinions of military experts).

Defense needs briefly: lethality, one shot - one hit, fire contact at longer range, comms for all, stealth, friendly fire elimination, all threats detection, user protection and health, Human Augmentation, Soldier-as-Sensor.

Section Pain Solutions
Tactical Situational Awareness
  • Very high casualties (over 20%) from friendly fire in combat environments (Israel, Ukraine);
  • Fog of war;
  • AI BMSs exist, but the data is not even available to most NCOs on the battlefield;
  • Effective training in Live-Synthetic Training Environments cannot yet be implemented;
Omnichannel Comms
  • Communication only through commander;
  • Mostly voice communication, not high quality;
  • Sessions need to be shorter, much shorter;
  • Not every unit has BLOS communication;
  • Number of bands and networks is very limited;
  • Almost no multimedia and data transmission;
  • Instant messaging is still gesture-based (“hand and arm signals”);
  • No message re-reading/listening;
  • Additional skills are needed to use encrypted communications securely;
  • Each session through omnidirectional antennas creates vulnerabilities for the transmitter and operators;
  • NATO units use different languages to communicate;
  • Encryption of voice traffic is more complex than encryption of short digital data packets;
  • Signal relay (transceiver) stations have vulnerabilities;
RC Universal Controller
  • Drones are inexpensive, but cannot be used on a mass scale by everyone;
  • Drone and robot operators are completely disconnected from reality while they are busy controlling;
  • Fire turret operators work in high-risk environments, extremely rare;
RF Scanning and Radio Direction Finding
  • These operations are performed only by communications engineers, but they are not on the front line or behind enemy lines;
Notifications, User Tips, Tasks, Mission Tracking
  • People make mistakes all the time, forget important information;
  • People rely on experience ("survivor error") rather than data;
  • Pre-mission briefing and debriefing identify mistakes, but they are repeated;
  • Just in Time tips based on best practices, taking all factors into account, would definitely not prevent the user from making a decision (but it doesn't exist yet);
  • Used the ATAK-MIL system on Samsung Galaxy 10" tablets (there are flaws);
Multi-Domain Operations
  • Reaction time is not short enough;
  • Not enough information to make decisions;
Night Vision, Fire Spotting
  • Spotters adjust fire, which is only used in sniper teams, artillery, aviation, and the Navy;
  • Often fire spotters are at great risk;
  • How do you distribute targets among multiple individuals in a unit to hit all targets at the same time and avoid crossfire? (no solutions)
  • How to capture and hold multiple targets by one person? How to prioritize the targets? (no solutions)
  • Non-IR night vision devices cost tens of thousands and are available to a few (armored, Special Operations Forces);
  • The image quality of night vision devices is not high;
  • Optical sights (SWIR + LWIR) have a small field of view and are unavailable to most;
  • Accurate fire at ranges greater than 600 yards requires specialized training;
  • Huge ammunition costs due to inaccurate fire and the practice of harassing fire;
Computer Vision, Computer Audition
  • Not used in practice;
  • Detection and recognition of objects, motion, heat signatures, smoke trails, flashes, including at night, in fog, behind clouds, behind vegetation, including beyond human vision, as well as source localization, real-time data exchange - not available;
  • Sound signature detection, filtering, subtraction for clear recognition, recognition of volume levels below human capability - not available;
  • RF signature detection of reflected signals in passive safe mode from metal objects of several inches or more (even behind concrete barriers) - not available;
Artificial Intelligence, Human Augmentation
  • There is a desire to use only within Battlefield Management Systems, but implementation is difficult;
  • "Soldier as Sensor" is still only a concept;
  • Humans are not capable of performing many complex tasks under stress;
  • To perform many tasks effectively requires over 4 years of additional training and practice;
Human Augmentation
Augmented Reality
  • Undeniable battlefield advantage in every unit, but Microsoft IVAS[1] attempts are going in the wrong direction and are therefore unsuccessful;
Augmented Reality Head-Up Fullface Mask
Vitals Body Sensors, Care Under Fire, Resuscitation on the Move
  • Not used in practice;
  • No data collection and sharing;
  • First aid can only be provided by someone who is nearby;
  • Effective resuscitation in battlefield conditions is difficult and only possible after CASEVAC arrives;
  • How do I isolate my voice so that I don't de-disguise myself? How to communicate with others?
  • Either face protection or respiratory protection, but not both at once;
  • Conventional respirators are available but rarely used (they are difficult to breathe in, and don't use CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure);
  • Respiratory protection is inadequate (it doesn't protect against viruses and some toxic aerosols);
  • In the event of a sudden need, most people will not realize in time to put on a respirator;
  • Drinking system is separate (not integrated), requires removing protection or not drinking;
  • Hearing protection against loud noises and blast waves is not available to many;
  • Hearing protection is not used all the time due to discomfort and loss of connection to reality;
  • There is no integration of all of the above;
  • Where can we get over a hundred thousand dollars to provide every soldier on the battlefield with the technology of modern warfare? To protect against modern risks!
Less than $16k for a 4 year contract on average

See also

Public External Sections: Public Wiki Sections: Public Wiki Sections: Not-Public Wiki Sections:

Note: Unless otherwise stated, whenever the masculine gender is used, both men and women are included.

See also product details

Hardware Details: Functional Apps Details: Executive Apps Details: Service Apps Details:


External links